Let’s face it, we all litter! As a matter of fact, around 80 percent of litter found in our local waterways originated from land. Litter knows no boundaries.
Because of this issue, Reverse Litter developed the Ten on Tuesday pledge campaign to encourage North Texas families, businesses and schools to go online and make a pledge to pick up at least 10 pieces of trash every Tuesday, or once a the week.
According to a recent Waste Management Messaging Research Study, 75 percent of North Texans believe that everyone is responsible for cleaning up litter in their communities and neighborhoods.
If just 5,000 people picked up 10 pieces of trash once a week for a year, the Metroplex would reduce litter by 2.6 million pieces. That means our streets would look nicer, the air we breathe would be fresher, and our water supply would be cleaner.
The Reverse Litter Campaign was created through a partnership between the Tarrant Regional Water District and the cities of Dallas, Denton and Fort Worth.
Since 2012, more than 26,000 people have made a commitment to pick up 10 pieces of trash every Tuesday.
It only takes one person to make a difference. Sign up now to make the pledge!

Make your Neighborhood, Business, School and City Litter-Free!
Reverse Litter began their Litter-Free Programs in 2016 in an effort to encourage citizens to beautify every corner of their towns and get every resident involved, regardless of age or occupancy. All North Texas residents can join one of the Litter-Free Programs because it applies to every aspect of their lives. Business owners, neighbors, tourists and visitors, as well as students and educators. We invite you take the Ten on Tuesday pledge and share your story with us. We’d like to know and share with the community how you’re making a difference by being Litter-Free in your community.

Litter-Free Landmarks
Whether you’re a longtime North Texas resident or just passing through, we can use your help. The Litter-Free Landmarks program encourages all tourists, visitors and residents to keep our beautiful Texas landmarks Litter-Free – from Fort Worth’s honky tonk to the Dallas’ high-rises and everywhere in between. If we want others to experience the wonders of our great Texan culture, then our landmarks must be Litter-Free. We encourage everyone to set an example for Texas’ finest cities and showcase our hospitality. It’s the Texas way.

Litter-Free Lanes
Are you and your neighbors interested in proactively keeping your communities clean? The Litter-Free Lanes program invites all neighbors to come together and join the Reverse Litter movement. By sharing the Ten on Tuesday pledge with neighbors, property management and HOA’s, residents can make an impact in their communities. Reverse Litter has resources available to educate neighbors on where to legally dump bulk waste, what items can be recycled, how to report illegal dumping and much more.

Litter-Free Lots
Are you a local business that’s eager to show your commitment to your community by reducing litter in the workplace? The Litter-Free Lots program was created as a way for businesses to show their commitment to the community, and reduce litter in their parking lots. It’s estimated that around 80 percent of litter found in our local waterways originated from land.
How to join Litter-Free Lots:
- First, send us a message and ask about how join the Litter-Free Lots program.
- A campaign representative will come to your organization and briefly talk about Reverse Litter to your team.
- A manager at each business location will take the Ten on Tuesday pledge to pick up at least 10 pieces of trash every Tuesday, or once a week.
- Then, a manager will share educational information about the program with team members.
- A team member will be designated to go through the parking lot each day to grab any litter they see.
- Place a Litter-Free Lots window decal, provided by Reverse Litter, on your organization’s entryway to spread the word.

Litter-Free Schools
Helping to Reverse Litter can be a really fun and engaging school activity. The Litter-Free Schools program encourages children of all ages and educators to incorporate the Ten on Tuesday pledge in their schools and lesson plans. Once we instill in our children the importance of not littering and taking care of our communities, our future generations will be less prone to litter. Educators are also able to pledge their classroom, as we frequently share teacher tips in our bi-weekly e-newslitters for your lesson plan needs.